Monday, March 14, 2011

Main Reason, then Smaller One and Rest of the Minions...

'Limited to 420 word only', thats how kedekut ruang facebook ni tuk wallpost dia. So terpaksa la aku mencari medium lain tuk membantu memori yang semakin dimamah usia dari kehilangan cebis-cebis kenangan.


Even with the Notes (FB) part, don't think it would really ease my eyes to read. Along with not so much of creativity to be possible to be put in, better look for the alternatives.

History Is What Made U

Kadang kala event yang best terasa sweet sangat untuk di'reminisce'kan kembali, even to the smallest detail possible. Sangat berguna tuk kerja-kerja me'maku' member yang terlibat di kala gathering nanti hehehe. I've posted some notes on FB before, or maybe just a post about life being one big experiment on 'How I Deal With People, Generally!!!'. Its a self defence mechanism that was not perfectly flawless but gave quite the outcome of making less hates and more 'love' (love is a bit heavy, maybe just friendly vibe). This gives me practically slower rate of friends gathering but even lower rate of haters gathering. The result of all this 25 years experience analysis of my life is the ME now.

So with the uncertainties of the memories would still remain, or me being sane (hopefully aku tak nyanyuk la tua nanti, InsyaAllah), better look for the alternatives.

The minions

Ikra' - bacalah. Maka bacalah olehmu untuk segala ilmu yang memunafaatkan dirimu dikemudian hari. Tambah lagi petua tuk tak cepat nyanyuk - 'rajin-rajinlah membaca, terutamanya Al Quran' dapat pahala lagi.

Experience of others - bukan aku tak bersyukur with my ONE life, tapi menuntut ilmu biar sampai ke liang lahad, dah sampai liang lahad tapi kalau tak ada 'some experience' camner? Terasa or dapat imagine sikit pun jadilah dari tak dapat apa langsung.

posted at; 1911, March 14th 2011
belum reti nak setting masa blog ni lagi...


  1. see - the difference in time by me and blogspot system.

  2. : nice one dude ! kipidap ! Memula memang macam tu , taktau pape . nanti lelama ko tau la camane nak adjust blog ko tu .
