Monday, November 26, 2012

Honey, where are you?

Present - got all the basic equipment needed, plus I'm takin over me Pa business. Got few hives already. So now the objective was to expand the number of hives and relocate for better honey production ... and makin DIY honey extractor if possible.

Knowing my Bee

Apis Cerana - small, easier to spot the Queen and don't need to buy. Plus, that's the only kind I've found here, might as well call it natives bee of the area.

from left - workers (2/3, female, sting), Queen (rarely sting), male (1/3, not)

U would think its easy to spot the Queen by way of its size, U have no idea.
How exactly are U gonna spot the Queen with all the bees keep moving about the hive in huge numbers plus having to wear the veil for protection? every time the hive is open, I just hope the Queen doesn't start the swarming.

now for the expansion, I need to either acquire wild colonies or divide a strong colony by re-Queening process. The later was some advance stuff I dare not try for now.

Location, location, location.

whats important was it need to be close to plantation with flowers, fruits and nectars, close to water source for cool down and easy access area. The hive box need to face the sunrise and safe from enemies (wasp, ant and parasite). That's the major enemy.

additional research regarding preferable plantation as farmers around here already favor palm coconut compared to coconut itself. Starfruit, pineapple, banana maybe . . .

safety issue regarding the placement, it does not endanger people, or chain animal.


1. Health of the colony - Queens health by the pattern of the egg, strength of the colony by its number.
2. Harvesting cycle - tips from me boss, around 6th day of Islamic month calendar.
3. Location - for study of favorable plantation.


this is where I need those honey extractor. traditional way of extracting honey destroy all the honey_contained_wax by pressing it by hand. with the extractor, the honey would flow while the wax still intact with the frame.

honey extractor for 330 in US dollars, damn its expensive.

this mean less job for the bee and all the workers would only focus on collecting nectars, and faster, richer honey cycle.

so long me Boss still live, challenge would be easy I guess. Need to contact people from Mardi la for some assistance regarding any improvement, or to acquire the extractor.

more knowledge online, find it at Beesource.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Novel vs Screenplay - the Satisfaction.

Life of Pi

Read the book few years ago. I've felt the humor, laughed silently as the roommate might think I was just pretending. But for real I would say, even with the story-line kinda unlikely to happen, that Patel boy does made me envy.

the novel 

and now the movie will be on cinema this Nov 29th. As because the book wasn't mine, one unusual thing I still remember was the floating island with fresh drinking water, filtered by roots of the plantation. 

to Piscine Molitor Patel by Ang Lee;

there isn't much movies I've watched depicted from a novel which I've read. Sherlock Holmes - I'm stuck in the middle of 1st chapter "Study in Scarlet". Another was the Harry Potter and that would take years to finish I reckon.