Friday, December 16, 2011

Idea #2 - Botanist, improvised DIY...

Rumah mau kasi hijau. Berpokok bukan bercat hijau. Mau kasi sejuk sikit, tang mata yang nengok . . . and slighty cooler la temperature keliling tu. Tapi kalau da kat tengah laman tak berbumbung time panas, nak kata apa lagi? Either way, this idea's great even if U were stayin at an apartment with small veranda, a 3' X 10' small.
Details of the idea;
  • Originally by Kerol.
  • Got a small yard filled with scraps.
  • Do some research on the net and came up with Plants On Walls.
nice plants but not cost appropriate tuk umah sendiri

Sepanjang trip KL ke Kerteh kalu membisu tak ke sakit telinga and otak? ever heard 'deafening silence' . . .

assume urself inside a darkroom, soundproof, alone.
gonna feel like u're imagining hearing sound of nothingness.
so bingit it can even make people go crazy.
thats prisoner's detention centre.

tp lagi horror kalau ikut kursus alam kubur.
stay dalam tanah . . . 
sebelah kubur betul punya

still at office - continuation, till next time la

ext - materials by Plants on Walls for docking the plantation agak payah mau cari, we'll improvised using old and unused blankets. so long it can still manage the weight and root friendly... heavy duty stapled to the wall (this I hope to be wood eyh, not a concrete one).

as for the plant's root wrapping, I was thinking of used socks, doubled layer. but please wash it first, don't want the guest smelling ur stinky socks when they were hoping for some fresh flowers.

irrigation and fertilization - depending on the harshness nature of the plants. some need it scheduled or it won't see another blooming season.

    Tuesday, December 06, 2011

    misinterpretation of an IDEA, the wrong one.

    mangkuk tandas

    invention awal hanyalah lubang di tanah sedalam . . . ikut kecairan bahan buangan, lg cair mean lg dalam. (done)

    then a closed rooms with holes on the floor, this was most practical type at bankside of a river. no need to flush meyh, all automatic. (done)

    idea awal ni nak kata, basic pose tuk hajat besar ni adalah mencangkung. tp sekarang mana plak datang nyer idea mangkuk tandas duduk ni???

    always look on the bright side, kater la orang ni kaki dia sakit . xleh nak bengkok habis, depa membuang dalam keadaan duduk ler. then to help them, they use a seat with big holes in the centre. so jadilah mangkuk tandas. but does people nowadays realized that it was meant for an O.K.U? kurang upaya nak mencangkung maksudnyer.

    when the business minded people get the invention idea, marketing mulalah bagai nak rak advertise better invention kate nyer. kalau tengok cost_wise between tandas duduk ngan cangkung ni, jauh lagi mahal yang duduk.

    Things that's more expensive supposed to be more beneficial, practical and by comparing these two type, the hygienic aspect favors yg mencangkung. Bacterias, germs and whatsoever bad things yg ada kat toilet seat tu wouldn't get to us (i presume) when there's no skin contact, isn't?

    Plus I do think squatting eased the waste off better. and easier to istinjak too...