Rumah mau kasi hijau. Berpokok bukan bercat hijau. Mau kasi sejuk sikit, tang mata yang nengok . . . and slighty cooler la temperature keliling tu. Tapi kalau da kat tengah laman tak berbumbung time panas, nak kata apa lagi? Either way, this idea's great even if U were stayin at an apartment with small veranda, a 3' X 10' small.
Do some research on the net and came up with Plants On Walls.
nice plants but not cost appropriate tuk umah sendiri
Sepanjang trip KL ke Kerteh kalu membisu tak ke sakit telinga and otak? ever heard 'deafening silence' . . .
assume urself inside a darkroom, soundproof, alone.
gonna feel like u're imagining hearing sound of nothingness.
so bingit it can even make people go crazy.
thats prisoner's detention centre.
tp lagi horror kalau ikut kursus alam kubur.
stay dalam tanah . . .
sebelah kubur betul punya
still at office - continuation, till next time la
ext - materials by Plants on Walls for docking the plantation agak payah mau cari, we'll improvised using old and unused blankets. so long it can still manage the weight and root friendly... heavy duty stapled to the wall (this I hope to be wood eyh, not a concrete one).
as for the plant's root wrapping, I was thinking of used socks, doubled layer. but please wash it first, don't want the guest smelling ur stinky socks when they were hoping for some fresh flowers.
irrigation and fertilization - depending on the harshness nature of the plants. some need it scheduled or it won't see another blooming season.
invention awal hanyalah lubang di tanah sedalam . . . ikut kecairan bahan buangan, lg cair mean lg dalam. (done)
then a closed rooms with holes on the floor, this was most practical type at bankside of a river. no need to flush meyh, all automatic. (done)
idea awal ni nak kata, basic pose tuk hajat besar ni adalah mencangkung. tp sekarang mana plak datang nyer idea mangkuk tandas duduk ni???
always look on the bright side, kater la orang ni kaki dia sakit . xleh nak bengkok habis, depa membuang dalam keadaan duduk ler. then to help them, they use a seat with big holes in the centre. so jadilah mangkuk tandas. but does people nowadays realized that it was meant for an O.K.U? kurang upaya nak mencangkung maksudnyer.
when the business minded people get the invention idea, marketing mulalah bagai nak rak advertise better invention kate nyer. kalau tengok cost_wise between tandas duduk ngan cangkung ni, jauh lagi mahal yang duduk.
Things that's more expensive supposed to be more beneficial, practical and by comparing these two type, the hygienic aspect favors yg mencangkung. Bacterias, germs and whatsoever bad things yg ada kat toilet seat tu wouldn't get to us (i presume) when there's no skin contact, isn't?
Plus I do think squatting eased the waste off better. and easier to istinjak too...
Inspired by two sword wielding Musashi, the idea is to creating a sheath system that's also the handgrip to the other one. Aimed for its mobility_ness, disguise_ness that makes it perfect for . . . like there's any war left for the likes of melee fighter.
Ironman - My old man had a philosophy, "Peace means having bigger stick than the other guy"
Gen. Shepherd - Sure it matters who's got the biggest stick, but it matters a helluva lot more who's swinging it
That's the mindset of the barbaric, uncivilized race. Fictionally speaking with a hint of reality thrown along. But still better be ready than being sorry. After all, this is just an invention. An idea of invention...
quality of a katana - the essence. ignore the cheetah's eye
showing off the quotes
right page was the initial allocation of the two
some of the issues buggin the mind
would love to see this in reality... any feedback, much appreciated seeing this is my project, so no need for any confidentiality. so long sucka...
my first book was muqaddam, hoping the last to be that 'One'.
for study, long life learning, for entertainment, and even for business . . . cheit!
as a substitute of sleeping pills (World History), bulletproof (only in movies) . . . also cheit!
the misuse, the abuse of it.
dream of having home library, full with book of knowledge, not just fictional junks. but be warned, that would be considered prone-fire-hazard.
books - property or liability?
7th to 16th Oct, there's still three days left. with 75 to 95% discount, no wonder they use boxes to the cashiers. the Wolf's event for this year held at Maeps within Mardi within UPM Serdang. looks like its gonna be yearly event . . . hopefully.
'bookshopaholic' when there's even few books haven't been read. one reason its getting postpone was the language its used, kinda classic literature. but then why bought it in the first place ain't it? that's the life long learning process.
need 2nd round to cover every inch of the Hall A Maeps.
when some stop, other will start. only the last will stay for etenity.
thats life
jgn dicari mana aku
last shouts from someone 8 years back;
1. terima kasih kerana beratur!!
2. dengar System (SOAD), ingat dia kt Beranang!!
3. ada time, g la umah dia!!
4. xde masa, dia lak g umah aku!!
5. spare him the details!!!!
1. x ingat kenapa, tp x perasan lak bila jadi baik gini. maybe dah 'nature' aku dak baik kot.
2. introduction to System of a Down happened at AYSSB. as radio or walkman at the time was not permitted, we even sometime wrestled it off for the right to have at it. only got the ear for their first two album though. it is my spirit booster, to study, for an assignment, an all nighty, for blood boiling feelings...
3. -
4. -
5. this is from the Offspring - Spare me the details if U don't mind . . . hahaha I wouldn't even think of disclose any event of that sorts to anyone.
naik motor ngan naik keter mmg la lagi teruk naik motor. radio xder, time panas aircond xder, time hujan mau basah lencun. bab safety lagi ler, tayar dua je memang la lg x stabil. tp ramai yg tak tau stability menunggang motor bukan pada bilangan tayarnya, stabilnya pada laju pusingan tayo tu...
Cuaco - paling baik waktu jalan raya tgh panas, i.e tghari la time matahari terik atas pala. traction control pada tayar terbaik time ni. nak layan corner baring pun boleh janji lu x makan pasir la. by layan maksud aku maxspeed kat corner tu boleh cecah and kalu da expert sgt siap boleh overtake kete lg, and sometimes superbike yg rider dia x berani nak layan hahaha. harap je motor besar skill tarak.
time awal pagi, jalan ngan tayar masih sejuk lagi, beringat la pasal aku hampir tergolek gak. nasib slipped sekejap je, bunga tayar tebal lg. and EXTRA cautious time hujan. jarak visibility pendek, traction tayo makin kurang, jarak utk break nak kena jauh, break xleh slip (cam kena pakai ABS lak), highly ALERT (kalau boleh jantung tu bior berdebar).
Motor - break, belakang sebolehnya hanya utk slowdown, mayb grip abis bila pakai tumit. break depan prefer pakai disc pasal mmg nak kena stop, drumbreak da tak practical. break sepatutnya x kluar bunyi, so maintenance, check ke kedai . . . tanya, amik tau apa prob. tp jgn terus caya kalu dia suruh tukar sampai beratus. drumbreak patut makan breakshoe dia bukan gantang rim tu.
rantai - ketegangan yg proper. bila rantai lendut je, power output lambat sampai. PICKUP jd kurang and sprocket cepat haus.
tayo - tayar belakang biasa cepat haus banding depan. bunga dari tgh sampai side tayar kena ada baru boleh layan high speed corner. maintenance, kalu da selalu sgt tayar bocor pakai je tubeless, selamat... minyak itam ngan spark plug pepandai la tgk sendiri.
Skill - gua tengok lu kecik besar kecik besar je der...confidence ngan kemampuan motor kena tinggi. Asimilasi ngan motor bagitau jauh mana boleh push performance motor tu. ride smart, throttle elok nyer jgn pulas abeh, bg reserve tuk emergency manouver. alert ngan signs, atas jalan, tepi jalan signboard and plan leklok jalan mana nak pakai.
utk renungan bersama - tgk rider bodo ni bunuh diri
da la bunuh diri tanpa niat, bunuh org tu pun tanpa niat
line putih tu kat situ bersebab, bukan sajer sajer nak kasi lawa jalan.
Style aku jalan jauh naik motor - radio xder aku pakai mp3, noise-cancelling earbuds terus xder bunyi angin. prefer siang, jelas boleh nampak sumer benda. jacket longsleeve ngan kasut, glove aku xder lg. raincoat ready bwh seat kalu hujan. Traffic condition in descending favors - clear, few, smooth flow, pack but moving, jammed (static and really close). Alert, always safety first and foresee the traffic movement...
reviewed some terms, doing what supposed and 'sunat' to be done, making less people angry (silaturrahim), helps people/strangers that mostly for something in return (people I knew of) and leaving them clueless but thankful non the less (strangers), having deep thought of gratefulness (the symptoms) and sympathetic towards others.
and jaluk ngapuro by the end of the month.
still, xleh lari dari benda x elok . . . no one's perfect.
1. Niat benda baik dapat pahala even tak terbuat, niat tak baik still ok selagi tak di buat.
2. Niat tak menghalalkan cara.
niat #1 tak sama dengan niat #2. no.1 lebih kepada hasrat meanwhile no.2 kepada tujuan. focus on niat #1 at second term - niat tak baik, permissible so long not executed. a bad intention roaming, constructing, planning, strategizing within one's mind that even gives 'HIGH' sensation , moreover it involves other people. 'good' way of using that heads of yours...
other people - are there any distinction regarding towards personals with towards an organisation?
Criticism (kutuk, perli, looked down on...)
towards iklan di Astro.
1. Football, the most beautiful sports game in the world - really? rasanyer game friendly je yang boleh nampak cantik gameplay dia so long rules cam biasa, 3 substitution and nothings on the line, all player trying having a good game/skills/strategies display. leagues la ni, the teams doing anything they can to get a win (berlakon, hand of god, excessive intimidation, foul plays, delaying times, etc...) and says that's a strategy. a strategy that put aside sportsmanship value, iyo la tu . . .
2. erk, satu cukup la dulu
Buffet - bayor punya mahal tapi perut ada limit tank dia, sah2 rugi camni. tahun lepas steamboat seafood, tahun ni layan Seoul Garden One Utama. seafood cepat buat aku muak (antara faktor yang mengecikkan lagi kapasiti perut) so aku layan daging. jadi karnivor, meat lover, red meat especially - ayam biasa dapat. tuk RM45 melantak lebih 3kg nicely sliced meat ... ouwww layan tak hengat.
the tissue I don't have time to use
so antara aku ngan Seoul Garden tu rasanya aku untung skit la. tp buffet style dia tu menguntungkan dia a whole lot more. rasa cam ni la the only iftar dengan reramai kengkawan tuk tahun ni. perot kenyang ngan sikit kesenakkan, then few burps yang tak mem'beri-bauan'kan kesedapan meals tu cam bila makan Double GCB McDonald burger. janji puehati...
pilihan buffet - worth the money, got the stomach to outdo the bills hahaha
- - - Books - - -
I haven't read -
Atlas of Creation, by Harun Yahya
weight around 6 to 7kg, this is a good material for references some more for entry Orang Baru. sadly the price was . . . pergh mahal!!! the book was about fighting Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin. few education curricular already changed, swapping the Darwinism Theory altogether.
The Book of Five Rings, Miyamoto Musashi
Jepun mali, citer pasal the life of a swordsman from Miyamoto Village, a rounin that prefer Niten Ichi-ryu, two swords style which to me is more practical in a war. xdak masa nak tenung lawan lama2, musuh sumer dekat2 punya la, cucuk je sana sini.
ehsan google
the use of katana and wakizashi as defense and counter at the same time. plus the arc ranges of those two swords are proportionate to hand's power (cam teori tork fizik ar tu).
The Art of Walking Alone, also by Miyamoto Musashi
not much of this actually just that its about achieving the void within oneself...
- - - Movies - - -
Amelie' 2001
French movie with its unique story telling. got few awards if I'm not mistaken. here's the trailer - link. and the songs have been my halwa telinga since then...
Cowboys and Alien 2011
at first nak tengok sal ada Daniel Craig, mamat ni gado macam siot xdak feeling sungguh tapi ganeh plus cool gak kekadang tu. then bila da tengok ada rasa sikit kureng. apart from Jack Lonergen, other characters just average if I'm the one to rate them. storyline - not so much, gadget ada sikit gaya cam Gantz comic and its alien creature - sejenis je gabungan dari Alien, District 9 and Starship Troopers.
- - - Morals - - -
the scene - duk sembahyang belakang dua orang OKU side by side. sorg memang solat duduk and sorg lagi menahan sakit tuk duduk antara dua sujud. khusyuk tu ada la skit jadinyer.
symptom - a little flare up the nostril cam air masuk ikut hidung, a fraction of that. happened after dok pikir keberuntungannyer masih ada kaki yang sempurna and rasa simpati. kalu layan lelame mau nanges dibuatnyer.
Sea Food Chain
at top biasa bergantung pada siapa lagi ganas and sapa lagi carnivorous. top contender biasanya Great White Shark, Tiger Shark and few other kind of sharks, Leopard Seal but the Real King of the Ocean goes to the Orca - Killer Whale. even Great White pun boleh kena makan ngan dia. fact - there's been no human injury/casualty involving the Killer Whale attack (or the scarier version - if there's even an attack, there's no one alive to tell the tale). list of its meal in descending order in size - Humpback Whale cubs, Great White Shark (recorded once), all sorts of seals, penguin and fishes so long they can get their hands on it, in this case their mouth.
Aku - Prinsip bagi nasihat: tak beri kalau sendiri x buat, or cuba buat and beri bila org minta.
Nasihat ja pun, free ja.
Kau - Is it bcoz aku lg teruk/buruk/bad/'rendah'/lame makes the nasihat means nothing?
Even its factually true and benefiting U . . . not me in the slightest...
Zaman dolu - ada sahabat bercanggah dengan Rasullullah. Baginda dengar hujah, dan terima
Zaman la ni - 2nd in command bg nasihat, org atas potong terus . . .
July 24th 2011, Blue Venue, Shah Alam.
Lailahaillallah - heard a rhythmic way to recite it, hingga terasa menusuk kalbu sedikit. Sedikit kerana the rhythm tak berterusan, sekejap je then lari sikit. But at least I've heard and I'll find it...
Lailahaillallah - Zikir terafdal dari zaman dolu lg, Rasullullah kata paling molek sekali. Ayat starting dia pun kata "afdala zikri fa . . . (x sure la - faannahu or faannamu) Lailahaillallah . . .
- feeling : dalam majlis tu tau doh ramai org but to me, macam ada aku ngan speaker tu je dalam tu -
Iman kepada Allah - nikmat terbesar and the most important.
Long have I dream and long have I been dreaming . . . not.
Mimpi hanya datang tika tidur was an overslept.
Weird dreams I might add.
- mimpi ini hari -
Keluar dari satu venue tu, cari moto...
Moto jumpa tapi helmet Magnum ku jd steng'
Sapa lak tukar ni, haram tul
Situ ada 3 motor, belah kanan ngan depan.
Helmet motor depan ni cam kenal...
Sah aku nyer aku amik la, tukar blk ngan steng tu
Sebab tukar sambil panas hati, headlamp dia jadi bahan
Lampu pecah, pulang helmet, hati ada sejuk skit.
tp . . .
dia pergi balik guna helmet tu masa aku kat dalam, sah dia cam motor aku
BitterSweet Symphony
'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
Try to make ends meet
You're a slave to money then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places
where all the veins meet yeah,
No change, I can change
I can change, I can change
But I'm here in my mold
I am here in my mold
But I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mold
No, no, no, no, no
Well I never pray
But tonight I'm on my knees yeah
I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now
But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now
No change, I can change
I can change, I can change
But I'm here in my mold
I am here in my mold
And I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mold
No, no, no, no, no
I can't change
I can't change
'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
Try to make ends meet
Try to find some money then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places
where all the things meet yeah
You know I can change, I can change
I can change, I can change
But I'm here in my mold
I am here in my mold
And I'm a million different people
from one day to the next
I can't change my mold
No, no, no, no, no
I can't change my mold
no, no, no, no, no,
I can't change
Can't change my body,
no, no, no
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
Been down
Ever been down
Ever been down
Ever been down
Ever been down
Have you ever been down?
Have you've ever been down?
Emotion, jokes, philosophy, knowledge, art and even moral lesson all in one.
Plus ada bahan bantu mengajar lagi.
The way I viewed novels, manga/comic and animation was its dimension. 1D, 2D and 3D respectively.
Novels easily bored u off while the anime leave nothing for our imagination.
Even more disappointing bila voice actors doesn't really up to my liking.
Vagabond by Takehiko Inoue.
still a draft but just wanna post it...
a bit of a history here
Masa sekolah rendah dulu aku dikira berbakat gak la melukis, hanya melukis . . . mewarna tu tak berapa significant sangat bila compare dengan member lain. Insiklopedia dinosaur jadi rujukan, memang hebat la drawing scenery tu tapi bila kena siap kaler . . . why does it have to, xleh ke kalau hantar as monochrome, black & white ke?
Secondary ngan Matrik lak focus on perfecting human body figure, athletic body, fighting scenery and nice pose. Bout now getting familiar with ballpen, dah hari-hari pakai (improvement what). But still something missing. When the limbs there, the body is there, couldn't quite make the face. So jadinya whether its beheaded or wearing a mask, usually the first... This is the time references cames in bundle, got manga, komik remaja and local artist - Puppetteer (Velocity . . . and few more x ingat ar) and Rugby World Cup 2003.
artwork to be uploaded in due time . . .
Gothic-ly rempit!!!
Zaman U lak dah malas. Most sketches were purposeful, mechanical and lifeless.
Tiket tuk aku join team explorace time Pesta Konvo, tranquilizer tuk otak/minda (??? - maybe vaksin utk otak beku), and among few other things yg aku harap x hilang la skill tu bl aku tua. Start playing masa 2nd year, lookin at the rules nampak cam senang.
"Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3X3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusive."
give it a try...
First of all, this tutorial wasn't perfectly gonna help solve every puzzle there is. The steps level differs by its difficulty. And when the logical steps all runs out, it goes to assumption route, one assumption only preferably.
Just like chess board, mark the columns with numbers of 1 to 9, and the rows with alphabet A to i for easier pemahaman especially for newbie/noob.
1. Fill with number that really fit logically in manner of order, systematically - lets start with no. 1. just look at no.1 available and see if there's a blank for another no. 1, then go for no. 2 when there's none of possible no. 1 to be fill left. This is a looping steps (repetition) for each number up to no. 9. Most of the puzzle require me to go twice for this step before moving on the steps ladder. Golden line represent those row or column was occupied for that particular number.
break into columns or rows of 3.
1.1. Baby steps, take any 3X9 row (A1 to C9), or 9X3 column (A1 to i3). In this case, G7 with 9. It's actually flipped L. G1 to i9 with cross section of A7 to i9. 1.2. Combination of two 3X9 to 9X3 (a T or t or L or flipping L). Urgh, its so hard to downgrade. Try to understand the step on how I got this 5 based on the line.
1.3. The whole puzzle. E1 to be filled with no. 1. Grey Area represent area with possibilities of no. 1.
This sub-step also applicable within 3X9 or 9X3 boxes. I call this "The Grey Area Backfire" hahaha...
Case study box 3X3 at 9 o'clock. Gold line 1 to 3 are as usual. The Grey Area happened bcoz of gold line 1 and gold line 3. As Grey Area 4 represent no. 1, so jadi la gold line 5 tu. Cara ni boleh di pelbagaikan lagi
like when there's straight three number in one box of 3X3.
When there's no more, that means we're stuck. Next step ni yang banyak makan masa. Pasalnya we got to look trough EACH blank that's left, and that's step 2.
nama gambo ni pun aku bagi nama "STUCK"
2. Cross section within 3X3 box with row and column of each blank.Puzzle di atas hanya sebagai rujukan for 2,6 and 7 still probable. Because of its time consuming, most of the time I skipped to step 3 (in fact this puzzle really hard to apply step 2).
3. Assumption route based on situation. Not just some random guess, main letak je memang x dapat la. Pick a number among the least popped or the most. Then find two Grey Area that usually correspond to each other. Here was the no. 2 and its assumed position.
Lastly start the loop all over again until u done. Kadang tu berhari gak la nak siapkan, x dapek "lightbulb" lg. Or just plain lazy.
then voilla - siap!
Still figuring what that 7 in a ring was about . . . can't seems to recall, padahal baru je malam tadi buat. Really enjoy doing sudoku, among other things such as Rubic cubes (2X2, 3X3, 4X4, and X5) - kebanyakan dah x ingat la.
one harsh input dr member - start with puzzle yg senang nak mampos, then up the level.
Another puzzle for that big brain of yours as the end . . .
Good Luck!!!
There won't be another entry for this challenge from me. Cukup la tu, page diorg pun cam xder update jer.
Akan hanya ditulis tanpa dipertandingkan/ditayangkan ke laman 100penulis. Nama pun exercise.
This gonna take some times. I'll scribble first in my manual book, sketch some here and there before I'll post it here. When its in draft, hardly noticeable the length of it, or the shortness of it hahaha. Kalau pendek sangat of course le nampak sengal!!!
For example this post, gonna make sure the draft box fill up to the point having a 'dot' once more will lead to having to scroll down to be view in whole. Tapi dgn style spacing camni senang ar (skema nak wat thesis).
Let say this will having me to write in the right way without grammatical errors, misinterpret catch phrases and boring long sentences. But pardon the spellings sometimes and 'MangLish'ness that may look janggal, misplaced or again misinterpret.
First entry would be "Apa jadi pada RM100 kalau ada orang bermurah hati nak sedekah kat aku la ni jugak?". Seratus hengget je?, boleh tahan la sikit nyer...
Forgot to mention, this been going for around two month now. Slow and lumpy? tak jugak, belum dapat niat nak wat time tu. I'll try to catch up with all the topics and . . . this is the last line before that last dot. B Cing U.
Watch and listen first before try to follow with the lyric.
Better because Chris Brown is an ass. for the no swearing.
Cover by KarminMusic
Yellow model chick
Yellow bottle sipping
Yellow Lamborghini
Yellow top missing
Yup yup
That stuff looks like a toupee
I get what you get in 10 years, in two days
Ladies love me I'm on my cool J
If you get what I get what would you say
He wax it on and off, Mr Miyagi
And them suicide doors, Hari Kari
Look At Me Now, Look At Me Now
Oh, I'm getting paper
Look At Me Now
Oh, Look At Me Now
Yeah, fresh than a mu-what?
Lil jigga bigger than gorilla
Cause I'm killing every jigga that
Try to be on my stuff
Better cuff your man if you with him
I can get him
Cuz he accidentally slip fall on my crack
Oops, I said on my crack
I aint really mean to say on my crack
But since we talking about my crack
All of you haters say hi to that
I'm Done... No really though i'm not done
Lets goooo
cause I feel like I'm running
and I'm feeling like I gotta get away, get away, get away
better know that I don't and I won't ever stop cause
you know I gotta win everyday day
see they don't really really wanna pop me
just know that you will never stop me
and I know that I can be a little cocky, ohhhh
you aint never gonna flop me
everytime I come a jigga gotta set it then I got it going
then I gotta get it, than I gotta blow, and than I gotta shudder any little thing
the jigga think that he be doing cause it doesnt matter cause I'm gonna dadadadada
then I'm gonna murder every thing and anything a badaboom a badabing
I gotta do a lot of things, and make it clearer to a couple jiggas
that I'm always winning and I gotta get it again and again and again
and I be doing it to death and now I move a little foul
a jigga better call a ref, and everybody know my style
and jiggas know that I'm the best
when I come to doing this and I be banging on my chest
and I bang in the east and I'm bangin' in the west
and I come to give you more and I will never give you less
you will hear it in the street or you can read it in the press
do you really wanna know whats next
see the way we on, when we all up in the race and you know
we gotta go, don't try to keep up with the pace
we struggling and hustling and sending in and getting in
and always gotta do it take it to another place
gotta taste it and I gotta grab it
and I gotta cut through all this traffic
just to be at the top of the throne
better know I gotta have it
Look At Me Now, Look At Me Now
Oh, I'm getting paper
Look At Me Now
Oh, Look At Me Now
Yeah, fresh than a mu-what?
Man forget these haters how yall doin?
I'm Lil Tunechi, I'm a nuisance, I go stupid, I go dumb like the 3 stooges
I dont eat sushi, I'm the stuff, no pollution, no substitution
Now i'm chilling play in movies in my jacuzzi, fruit is juicy
I never give a damn about a hater got money on my radar
Dress like a skater, got a big house, came with an elevator
You jiggas aint eatin, go tell a waiter
Marley said shoot em, and I said ok,
You on that bullsh- I'm like ole'
Dont care what you say, so don't even speak
Your boyfriend a freak like Cirque Du Soleil
That's word to my flag, and my flag red
I'm out of my head, yo I'm outta my mind from the bottom I climb
You aint hotter than mine, nope, not on my time and I'm not even trying
Whats poppin Slime? nothin five, and if they trippin forget em five
I aint got no time to shuck and jive, these jiggas as sweet as pumpkin pie
Ciroc and sprite on a private flight
Yo I been tight since guiding light, and my pockets white my diamonds white and my mommas nice and my daddy's gone
You please be scared cause I'm too wild, been here for a while
I was like no trial I puts it down
I'm so young money you got eyes look at me now oh
Look At Me Now, Look At Me Now
Oh, I'm getting paper
Look At Me Now
Oh, Look At Me Now
Yeah, fresh than a mu-what?
bila banding dgn convert, asas ilmu kehidupan banyak kurangnya (benar hanya terhadap converts bukan kerna marriage). depa banyak mencari sebelum masuk. kita . . . lebih diterapkan terus kepada pengamalan.
[translation kurang lebih] - perkara kunci terhadap persoalan kenapa perlu percaya terhadap Islam adalah, . . . terdapatnya prinsip asas utama ciptaan Allah SWT di dunia ini. ada memanggilnya hukum fizik, hukum alam semulajadi serta berberapa lagi nama lain. cumanya ia semua adalah prinsp asas bagaimana Allah perjalankan alam ini.
sbagai conth :- prinsip aerodinamik (tuk org kejuruteraan xyah baca exp. ni), lift is created by difference of airflow between both sides of of wing's cross sectional area. daya angkat adalah berpunca dari geometri sayap tersebut, bukan sebab kuasa enjinnya. burung xdak enjin.
contoh dua :- prinsip Archimedes berkenaan sesaran air. daya apung bersamaan berat isipadu air tersesar. tak kira la berat mana Super Tanker tu pun boleh terapung sebab geometri gak.
" prinsip ini penting apabila kita berada didalam alam nya"
jika naik kapal terbang, tinggi 20000ft di udara, tetiba sayap patah . . . apa jadi? sah-sah mati bila jatuh. jika org gemuk terjun laut, hidupnya lebih lama walaupun dia tak tahu berenang.
"prinsip ini mempengaruhi hidup mati manusia itu sendiri"
tapi bila atas darat, prinsip tersebut langsung tak beri kesan langsung kalau pun ia tidak diketahui, atau sengaja tak ambil peduli.
alam nya = ??? or semua alam yang akan dilalui?
so alam sekarang/hidup, alam mati and alam pas mati (mayb gabung kot alam mati ngan pas mati). alam pas mati - teori yg ada;
1. adanya alam pas mati.
2. hayat yang lain, reincarnation dalam bentuk makhluk or manusia lain . . . cuma soul yang sama.
3. xder paper - kehidupan berakhir dengan kematian, jadi mayat and hancur camtu jer.
tapi pencipta teori ni takder kredibiliti ke atas teori kematian sebab depa lepas mati x balik tuk cerita semula apa dah jadi, sebagai mengukuhkan teori tu sendiri. adapun yg lebih layak untuk bercerita tentang mati adalah
menurut yg lebih layak, prinsip hidup dan mati kurang lebih ada tiga - ada kehidupan lepas kematian, mati bukan penamat kehidupan and pengisian kehidupan sebelum mati mempengaruhi kehidupan lepas mati. ayat best nya - mati adalah masa untuk mengutip hasil tanaman ketika hidup.
urutan alam (mengikut pemahaman/pengetahuan semasa) - alam hidup berjasad (la ni) > alam kubur > alam pembangkitan untuk perbicaraan/penghisaban/pengadilan (atau pisah dua ni jd alam mahsyar [tunggu waktu tuk dinilai] and alam pembalasan). alam pembalasan adalah selamanya . . . lepas ia bermula and, setiap alam ada keadaannya yg tertentu bergantung amalan di alam hidup berjasad...
[prinsip ini (amalan hidup berjasad mempengaruhi kehidupan lepas mati) penting apabila kita berada di dalam alam nya(alam hidup berjasad)]. disaat akil baligh hingga nyawa di kerongkong, segalanya diambil kira.
sebab tu Islam perlu dipelajari, difahami sebagai persediaan untuk alam seterusnya. hidup penuh ganjaran yang dikehendaki bukan hidup penuh hukuman. semua akan mati, itu satu fakta yg x dapat dinafikan...
I would say my life was kinda boring but that shows the ungratefulness to the life given. Wouldn't fair to those person I knew whom passed away of heart attack. He's got a mother who already send one of her daughter to grave, and lost a husband not a year ago. His family was once took me under their roof and assist me with PTA's matter.
If u've seen Lord of The Rings Trilogy, bet u do . . . "The young perish, the old linger. No parents should have to bury their child." Rasa sedih tu terasa sikit, lagi kalau layan sengsorang.
just imagine u feel the sadness...
Few things as reminder of death and the dead. Death come to us all not one second faster nor later. Long lives are not to be cherish if its fill with benda-benda lagho'. Sadness due to the passing away of someone we loved appropriate if not prolonged to the point of . . . [WTH am I babbling about, CXsRB!!!]. Bila matinya anak Adam, maka terputuslah urusannya kecuali 3 perkara, sedekah amal jariah, ilmu berguna yang disebarkan and doa anak yang soleh.
Focusing anak soleh yang mendoakan kedua orang tuanya. The connection is anak soleh/solehah, not the wife. And its not just pahala, even dosa from childrens yang x menjaga aurat, skipping prayer and etc... selagi mana amanah penjagaan not yet transferred to the future husband, are 'on' the dead.
As for us who aren't their child, sedekah Al-Fatihah and Surah Ikhlas times 3 are the least we can do. Whether it get to them that's GOD business. And death should make us more aware of our doings in this temporary world however long we have left. What we plant here are to be harvested in the afterlife...
Argh, another CXsRB!!!
Out of PLUS Highway at Bidor to Parit Baru in an overpowered Honda Civic 2.0 iV-Tec, driving, owwwh best seyh . . . hahaha. Even with unfamiliar route, another 3 important life at mercy of my not so polished driving skills, still feels like it was my road, my car and me alone. Thank GOD safely arrived, ni sumer kereta punyer pasal. Best car I've ever driven, not there's been a lot. One advice though, don't get out of ur comfort speed zone on unfamiliar terrain, think I may have fly all fours.
Japanese movies, the real one, 7 Samurais and 13 Assassins. One black and white movie while the other was recent but both telling the age of samurai. The 13 Assassins, IDMB Rating at 7.9, telling a story about the assassination of Lord Naritsugu because of his inhumane behaviour. With good story telling, flow and cinematography, this swords action packed looks weird having their CG animated creature/bulls looked not so real. Aren't Japanese the best in animation business? Or if not, among the best la? Plus with the mysteries of the immortal forest bandits helps on the cause, its a great Japanese movie. There wasn't a single gunshot at all in this.
Lastly, this was when I need the light bulb dammit...been visited by a cousin dari kampung, minta teman jalan-jalan. Planned to watch Dark Moon, x kesampaian. Planned to meet his old housemate, kesampaian but going trough two traffic jam, one by commuters goin home from work and another by police doing roadblocks just because the Higher Ups says so. Wasted few hours on the road je, peghot da la lapar...