mood dtg bila dpt call yg mensyahdukan.
when some stop, other will start. only the last will stay for etenity.
thats life
last shouts from someone 8 years back;
1. terima kasih kerana beratur!!
2. dengar System (SOAD), ingat dia kt Beranang!!
3. ada time, g la umah dia!!
4. xde masa, dia lak g umah aku!!
5. spare him the details!!!!
1. x ingat kenapa, tp x perasan lak bila jadi baik gini. maybe dah 'nature' aku dak baik kot.
2. introduction to System of a Down happened at AYSSB. as radio or walkman at the time was not permitted, we even sometime wrestled it off for the right to have at it. only got the ear for their first two album though. it is my spirit booster, to study, for an assignment, an all nighty, for blood boiling feelings...
3. -
4. -
5. this is from the Offspring - Spare me the details if U don't mind . . . hahaha I wouldn't even think of disclose any event of that sorts to anyone.
Ust Talib (Abdul Muntalib Minhad) in remembrance.
rindu kat ustaz mutalib..semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat..amin