Saturday, July 16, 2011

#6 - Sudoku.

New favicon der...
Best Melee Attack Ever 

Tiket tuk aku join team explorace time Pesta Konvo, tranquilizer tuk otak/minda (??? - maybe vaksin utk otak beku), and among few other things yg aku harap x hilang la skill tu bl aku tua. Start playing masa 2nd year, lookin at the rules nampak cam senang. 

"Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3X3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusive."

give it a try...

First of all, this tutorial wasn't perfectly gonna help solve every puzzle there is. The steps level differs by its difficulty. And when the logical steps all runs out, it goes to assumption route, one assumption only preferably.

Just like chess board, mark the columns with numbers of 1 to 9, and the rows with alphabet A to i for easier pemahaman especially for newbie/noob.

1. Fill with number that really fit logically in manner of order, systematically - lets start with no. 1. just look at no.1 available and see if there's a blank for another no. 1, then go for no. 2 when there's none of possible no. 1 to be fill left. This is a looping steps (repetition) for each number up to no. 9. Most of the puzzle require me to go twice for this step before moving on the steps ladder. Golden line represent those row or column was occupied for that particular number.

break into columns or rows of 3.

   1.1. Baby steps, take any 3X9 row (A1 to C9), or 9X3 column (A1 to i3). In this case, G7 with 9. It's
   actually flipped L. G1 to i9 with cross section of A7 to i9.
   1.2. Combination of two 3X9 to 9X3 (a T or t or L or flipping L). Urgh, its so hard to downgrade. Try
   to understand the step on how I got this 5 based on the line.

   1.3. The whole puzzle. E1 to be filled with no. 1. Grey Area represent area with possibilities of no. 1.
   This sub-step also applicable within 3X9 or 9X3 boxes. I call this "The Grey Area Backfire" hahaha... 
   Case study box 3X3 at 9 o'clock. Gold line 1 to 3 are as usual. The Grey Area happened bcoz of gold line
   1 and gold line 3. As Grey Area 4 represent no. 1, so jadi la gold line 5 tu. Cara ni boleh di pelbagaikan lagi
   like when there's straight three number in one box of 3X3.

When there's no more, that means we're stuck. Next step ni yang banyak makan masa. Pasalnya we got to look trough EACH blank that's left, and that's step 2.

nama gambo ni pun aku bagi nama "STUCK"

2. Cross section within 3X3 box with row and column of each blank. Puzzle di atas hanya sebagai rujukan for 2,6 and 7 still probable.  Because of its time consuming, most of the time I skipped to step 3 (in fact this puzzle really hard to apply step 2).

3. Assumption route based on situation. Not just some random guess, main letak je memang x dapat la. Pick a number among the least popped or the most. Then find two Grey Area that usually correspond to each other. Here was the no. 2 and its assumed position.

Lastly start the loop all over again until u done. Kadang tu berhari gak la nak siapkan, x dapek "lightbulb" lg. Or just plain lazy.

then voilla - siap!
Still figuring what that 7 in a ring was about . . . can't seems to recall, padahal baru je malam tadi buat. Really enjoy doing sudoku, among other things such as Rubic cubes (2X2, 3X3, 4X4, and X5) - kebanyakan dah x ingat la.

one harsh input dr member - start with puzzle yg senang nak mampos, then up the level.

Another puzzle for that big brain of yours as the end . . . 

Good Luck!!!

There won't be another entry for this challenge from me. Cukup la tu, page diorg pun cam xder update jer.


  1. perghh . seyes tak paham . ajar aku weh . :p

    baru aku nmpk ape favicon kau tu . cett .

  2. aku try panjangkan huraian dia nnt
