Pembuka kata - cari lagu bakor semangat sket. Here we got Black Lab's This Night. 1st time dengor masa intro House, season 7 episode 16. Comment on FB - "tenang", asal nyer dengar sambil lalu jer. Then caught few phrases of the lyrics, looks good. Listened repeatedly the whole night with lyrics lak. Best? boleh la, pendek lak tu ... senang nak hapal nyer.
"I know I'm not forgiven but I hope that I'll be given some PEACE"
Life yg sempoi x bermakna experience kita skit, we can always take lessons from other's mistake, bukan nak amik kesempatan just menambah ilmu kemandirian hidup dikala mungkin memerlukan. "Do not worry to be kindhearted just don't forget the wolves lurking out there" - original ayat aku tp xleh pakai, contradict sangat even within the sentence. So pepandai la nak idup, rajinkan bertanya...
Bila free time banyak sangat, any tvseries, documentaries, sports yg asalnya x gemor pun leh jadi faveret sat. Glee season 2, Modern Family, Shark Men, citer sal crocs kat Mara River yg dah berulang2 pun jadi, Top Shot 2, then tambah lagi The Goodwife, hahaha tu pun jadi le. Making it worse bila most faveret tvseries like Bones, House, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Ur Ma banyak da season finale, bertambah blur nak mengabehkan masa.
Next time I'll be braver
I'll be my own saviour
When ... the thunder calls for me
Next time I'll be braver
I'll be my own saviour
Standin ... on my own two feet
Hasilnya:- Glee 2, heard few good songs (Turning Table, Do it Right and some Rolling Stone's...still looking for the title). Top Shot 2, current technique use by law enforcement on handgun ('Mug & Plate' style da jadi oldskool). Jamie Oliver (Jamie at Home, 30 minutes meals) basic introduction on herbs, English nyer tau Melayu nyer haram xtau. Program Tanyalah Ustaz (terpaksa dengor sal dah tido depan tv) dpt tips internal defense against santau/sihir/buatan org melalui perantaraan makhluk halus dari Ust Harun Din. TO WHOM WITH HIGH RISK JOB/BUSINESS - AMALKAN!!!
courtesy Google image |
"Do not worry to be kindhearted just don't forget the wolves lurking out there"
The tips -
Al Baqarah ayat 1 - 5, then sambung Ayat Kursi and finish with penghabisan Surah Al Baqarah startin with "Lillahi mafissama wati wama fil ard, wa intubdu ma fi anfusikom autuhfuhu yuhasibkum bihillah"...till the end.
Baca selepas Solat Subuh and Maghrib.
Tuk physical exercise, petang kul 1815 time for some futsal, unfortunately only until last Saturday. Ankle terple'ot makin me terpaksa pencen awal, then buat comeback bulan depan.
Nice, even with unproductive life (financially speaking), still productive in another aspects!!!
ext - nok tamboh se lagu gi. This one really layan...
And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very, very
Mad world, mad world
Sing along will ya...
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