Friday, February 22, 2013

Beekeeping Industries - the Weird Cousin of Agriculture

*this plan was good tuk org lepas pencen, isi masa lapang kurang lebih*

Source of Income

1. As a service, a price tag seems appropriate. Next the honey - nowadays it ain't cheap.
2. At Step Up level, build up your tools such as Supers, wax foundation maker and honey extractor.
    - which all are DIYable. This gives the colonies an ample time to strenghten their numbers.
3. An Advance level, you'll be supplying the whole starter kit for hobbyistas...

to Start Off

1. Build 2 identical deep hive boxes, and keep making it so you'll always have one spare.
    - ask org kampung, especially one with wooden house.
3. Transfer the colony into the hive box then to selected location picked beforehand.
4. Keep track of the colony's selfs-sustainability for two weeks of pollen bread and little bit of honey.
5. Repeat the step till you feel you have enough colonies.

Now after few month collecting colonies around kampung, I've got five colonies that already self-sustainable, lost two colonies due to unknown reason but I saw it coming. They've got telltale or sign that they were planning to leave. When the Q doesn't lay anymore, they'll be gone in couple of days.
And now I'm buMMed.
Don't know what to do, keep thinking location's not good maybe and the help online doesn't really a localized help. Its all overseas - Turks, Aussie, African and AmeriKAAA...
Got six houses still awaits their turn for their home to be bee_free. Some got two to three colonies in the same areas. This facts makes it possible to be doing the business in small piece of land. And to retrieve the colonies sometime require improvised plan. Like the bee vacuum...
Really need to talk to MARDI people la...